The Leo J. Monty Scholarship Privacy Policy


Your non-public information is collected from various sources:

  • Information received from you on tax organizers, worksheets, client questionnaires, applications you provide;
  • Information you provide via personal interviews, telephone conversations, faxes and e-mails;
  • Information received about you from consumer reporting agencies if background or credit checks are conducted on your behalf.


    Your non-public personal information is not disclosed to any person or party, except as required by law or to facilitate filing your tax return. Upon closing your account, your non-public personal information will not be disclosed to any person or party unless required by law


    Access to your information is restricted in a variety of ways.

  • Only to those employees who have a need to know in order to provide products or services to you;
  • Physical security, electronic security; safeguards and strict procedural measures consistent with federal standards are in place to protect your non-public personal information.
  • Your privacy is important. Please trust that protecting your information is equally important.