

The Leo J. Monty Scholarship is independent of AFE Chapter 33 but does work in cooperation with AFE Boston Chapter 33.

Awarding of the Leo J. Monty Scholarship is at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee as outlined in the scholarship by-laws. We require all applicants to submit a Letter of Interest outlining their accomplishments and intended use for the scholarship money. All applicants must submit their most current school year transcript.

The size of the scholarship award is at the discretion of the scholarship Committee.

For the Scholarship awards the applicant must either be immediate family members of an AFE, Chapter 33, member in Good Standing or sponsored by an AFE Chapter 33 member in Good Standing. Applicants may contact the scholarship committee to be assigned a sponsor.

Applications for courses of study in accredited institutions must be submitted prior to taking the course. Scholarships for advanced certifications and continuing education must provide documentation of successful completion of said course prior to awarding of the Scholarship.

Courses of study submitted for consideration should be related to Facilities Engineering or general engineering fields such as math or computer Science leading to an engineering degree. The application should include the required documentation on the application form, past transcript if applicable, and a letter describing why you chose this course of study and anything else you would like the scholarship Committee to know.


Leo J Monty Scholarship Application


1. The name of this scholarship shall be, "The Leo J. Monty Scholarship".


1. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage members in good standing of AFE, Boston Chapter 33 to further their careers by taking approved / accredited courses in career advancing educational activities. For the College Scholarship program, applicants need to be immediate family members of AFE Chapter 33 members in good standing to be eligible. Scholarship applicants can also also be sponsored by an AFE Chapter 33 Member in Good Standing.

2. AFE Region 8 Student Chapter members may be eligible for scholarship awards consideration at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

3. Any type of course, class, or seminar that is engineering related may qualify. Final approval of the validity or appropriateness of the course is at the discretion of the Scholarship committee. Applicant must successfully complete approved educational activity. All study must be at an approved facility or provider, including AFE sponsored courses.


1. The scholarship committee will consist of a minimum of three members. They shall include two independent trustees and one member appointed by the elected President of AFE Chapter 33. The two trustees and appointed member shall each have an equal vote on the Committee. The Scholarship Committee shall elect a President, Treasurer and Clerk.

2. The elected Chapter President, with the approval of the executive committee, appoints the member.

3. A quorum of two members is required at all meetings.

4. Approval of scholarship funds must be by majority vote of the Committee.

5. The Committee will meet when necessary to evaluate applications but at a minimum of two times per year.

6. One month prior to the award of a scholarship the Committee will evaluate the validity of the course, or seminar, and issue a notice to the applicant that the application has been approved or denied in written form.

7. Applications will be accepted at any time during the year for Member Certification Courses. Applications for College Degree Programs and courses opens May 1 of each calendar year and closes September 30th of each calendar year. Awarding notification will be issued in October of each calendar year. In addition to completing the online form for consideration, College Applicants must submit a written cover letter and a copy of their most recent transcript from high school or college for award consideration. Please see directions on the student application page.

8. Applications shall be submitted directly to the Committee Chairperson.

9. The Treasurer will be responsible for all financial records of the Organization.

10. The Organization shall fund raise through various endeavors.


1. Applicants must be members in good standing of Boston Chapter 33 for at least 1 year before applying for scholarship funds for themselves or family members.

2. Applications should be submitted on approved forms and should include official course description including costs and any other pertinent information .

3. Applicants for any of the AFE certifications are exempt from this rule.

4. Members are eligible for only one award per calendar year.


1. Scholarship amounts awarded shall be at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

2. Funds will be dispersed, by check, directly to the applicant after proof of successful completion of the course work, for tuition and other costs.

Management of Funds

1. All the Organization's funds should be kept in accounts under the Organization's name. The account will have a minimum of two designated signers.

2. Checks over $2,000.00 will require two signatures, one of which will be the Treasurer.


1. Recommended changes to the By-Laws may be presented at any meeting and voted upon at the next scheduled meeting.